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Thank you for taking interest in our church and its ministries to young people. We believe and take seriously what the Bible teaches in Proverbs 22:6- “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Our goal is not simply to “babysit” students while mom and dad “do real church,” but to walk alongside parents in their God-given role of leading their kids to Christ, and show students that they already are a vital part of the Church. We try to do this through solid Biblical teaching, counsel in how to apply our faith to real life situations, and opportunities to serve our Church and community. And we do this all while building a fun, relaxed environment, focused on building relationships and honoring our God. Please feel free to come be a part of what God is doing in the rising generation.


We believe that “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work” (2 Tim. 3:16-17). Because of this, it is our aim to teach ALL of God’s Word in a way that “sticks” to our youth. Beginning in January 2016, we will be teaching through “The Gospel Project” curriculum, and will be offering separate classes for Middle School and High School boys and girls. They meet at 10:35am on Sunday mornings. Come join us!


With a sermon, a Sunday School lesson, and a Youth Group lesson all coming our way on Sundays, sometimes it can feel like trying to sip water from a fire hose. And so, on Sunday, we try to come back and revisit and discuss some of the things that we’ve learned throughout the week. Connection groups also allow us to recharge in the middle of the week (Sundays at 6:30pm). As our relationships with one another grow, we are able to come together and pray for each other, or vent, or just relax together. Our Connection Groups are where we really take discipleship to the next level. Come and be a part of this! Believe it or not, we really NEED you.


Being a teenager is tough in any generation. Being a Christian is increasingly tough in our society. Being a Christian teenager… yikes! No one should be expected to go it alone. IGNITE is our Sunday evening Youth Group gathering. We come together to grow in our faith and build lasting relationships with other Christians our age. Students will get a lesson geared toward applying God’s Word and our faith in Jesus Christ to the day-to-day issues and challenges they face in the world. “Teach me your way, O LORD, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name” (Psalm 86:11). The main purpose for IGNITE is (1)to worship our awesome God, (2)to grow in our faith, and (3)to go “set the world ablaze” with the Gospel of Jesus Christ! (Heb.12:29; 2 Tim.1:6; Luke 12:49).