“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”

Colossians 3:23-24

Our church is based on a Ministry Team approach. Our deacons are the leaders of nearly all of our teams with an elder having oversight over the entire team. Members of the congregation also serve on these teams, adding their input to solve problems.  Please click on the tabs below for more informations about our Ministry Teams.

  • Responsible for all financial dealings at the church
  • Oversee making the yearly church budget
  • Deals with any administration duties in the church

  • Responsible for assisting those in our community who need help either financially or physically
  • Works closely with the Outreach team to serve others in our community

  • Responsible for the upkeep of the church facilities
  • Oversee all maintenance of our vans
  • Works closely with all the other ministries team when dealing with modifications to the building or grounds

  • Responsible for all internal and external communications in the church
  • This includes: email, newsletters, bulletins, advertising, signs, and social media
  • Oversees the maintenance and design of the website

  • Responsible for all curriculum and teaching in the church
  • Works closely with our ministers, teachers, and elders to ensure sound doctrinal teaching 

  • Responsible for planning and execution of all fellowship functions in the church
  • This includes: monthly fellowship meals after service, annual fireworks display, Mother’s Day meal, Valentine’s Day dinner, Trunk or Treat, a Christmas party, and New Year’s Eve get together.
  • Aids in fellowship with other members, other churches, and community members

  • Responsible for helping visitors become members, outreach in the community, and discipleship of members

See more opportunities.

  • Responsible for overseeing support for foreign and domestic missions
  • Help organize and execute an annual church-wide missions trip outside of Northeast TN

  • Responsible for all music related worship
  • Oversees the praise band which includes: acoustic guitars, electric guitars, bass guitars, keyboard, drum set, and song leaders
  • Responsible for audio and visual during worship services throughout the church

  • Responsible for the youth program, known as Ignite
  • Comprised of all our elders, youth parents, and youth sponsors