Q.  I am interested in attending services. What are the service times?


  Sunday Morning*

1st Worship Service – 9:10 a.m. (Also streamed on Facebook Live and YouTube Live)

2nd Worship Service and Sunday School – 10:35 a.m.

*On the 3rd Sunday of each month we have one combined service at 10:00 a.m. in the pavilion.  Nursery will be provided but there will be no Sunday School classes.

Sunday Evening

Adult Connection Groups meet in homes and at church. (Various times)

Adult Worship/Bible Study - 6:00 p.m.

Youth Connection Groups – 6:30 p.m.

     Wednesday Evening

Youth Group – 6:00 PM

Adult Worship and Bible Study – 6:30 PM (Also streamed on Facebook Live and YouTube Live)

Q.  How long has this church existed?

A.  Central Community Christian Church held its first service in 1887.

Q. How does Central Community Christian Church relate to other churches and denominations?

A.  Central Community Christian Church is a non-denominational group of Christians which has its fellowship with other Christian Churches or Churches of Christ. It is associated with the Restoration Movement.

Q.  How is your church governed? Who is in charge? How are you organized?

A.  Central Community Christian Church is directed by elders, and served by deacons.

Q.  How can I learn more about what this church believes?

A.  The Christian Church is a non-denominational New Testament Church. We have no creed other than the Bible and it is our mission to follow all the teachings and commandments of Jesus Christ as given in the New Testament.

Q.  I have been attending Central, and would like to become involved, but I am not a member. Are non-members permitted to volunteer?

A.  Some volunteer positions require membership, but there are opportunities for service for those who have not yet become members. We would love to have you, and volunteering is a great way to get to know Central better.

Q.  What are the requirements for becoming a member of Central Community Christian Church?

A.  First, understand that Central Community Christian Church believes the following biblical truths are essential for salvation and should be accepted before your membership will be accepted in the local body. You are encouraged to search the scriptures in order to become fully persuaded in your own mind.
· Believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God who died for your sins and offers salvation to all who put their trust in Him. (John 3:16)
· Repent of your sins. To repent means to be so sorry for your sins that you change your mind. Decide today that you no longer want to live your life doing your own thing, but that you want to follow God’s leading instead. (Acts 3:19)
· Confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. (Romans 10:9)
· Submit to Christ by being baptized into Him. To be baptized means to be immersed in water. It is a symbol of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, reminding us that when we are saved, we die to our selves and are raised to live a new life in Christ. (Acts 2:38; Romans 6:3,4)

Q.  What are the steps I need to take? How do I become a member?

A.  Make your desire to become a member of Central known to the minister, elder or deacon. You will be given an opportunity to express your belief that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God, confess that Jesus is Lord of your life and be baptized into Christ. This is usually done before the entire congregation. If you have already taken those steps in another congregation, you may be asked to repeat your profession of faith in Jesus as the Son of the Living God and Lord of your life or you may be given the opportunity to submit a letter transferring your membership from the your previous congregation.

Q.  What if I’m not sure yet? How can I get my questions and concerns answered?

A.  Feel free to contact our office by telephone or visit with the minister or one of our elders at the conclusion of Sunday’s worship service. You may use our page if you wish by clicking here.

Office Address:                                     Office Phone:
137 Hopson Rd                                      (423) 928-4421
Johnson City, TN 37601

Q.  What do you teach about baptism? Would I have to be baptized again in order to be a member here?

A.  Baptism is a “promise made to God from a good conscience” (I Peter 3:21). We urge all believers to be baptized (immersed) as a public demonstration of their desire to put their faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior. Those who have already been baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, before coming to Central need not be baptized again. For those who have not, we consider it a privilege and an honor to be a part of this very important step in your life.

Q.  Can non-members attend Bible classes and small groups?

A.  Most definitely and are encouraged to do so.