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Loaves and Fishes !

loaves fishes 2 loaves fishes


We have another opportunity to serve  and share the love of Christ this Saturday January 28th by participating with the Loaves and Fishes ministry in Johnson City.  Even with the short notice we had so many volunteer to help cook, serve and clean and we are so appreciative for your love and your desire to serve the Lord.  If you were unable to sign up and you still want to participate we could use fresh fruit (apples or bananas) or individual fruit cups to pack into the bagged lunches.  We also have one or two spots open to help make sandwiches and pack the bagged lunches we take with us to hand out.  If you would like to help in either of these areas please call or send me text.

Again, thank you for sharing your time, talent and treasure to love on our neighbors and I hope you have a blessed day!



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